Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Labor Day

My son is here! Everything went fine. We got to the hospital at 730am, waited for our Doc to come...waited...then at 9:31 she came in, broke Alysaa's water...which was on it's way already. The Dr. said she barely touched it. Then the good ole' standby the epideral (twice because of a missed epideral pocket). Then at 11:52 am he came out. 2 1/2 hours of labor, two pushes...I'm not sure I'm supposed to share that with marathon laborer's out there. But he came out. 6 lb 6 oz, 19 inches. Tiny baby. He's healthy and squirmy. And he looks like an old man who just got beat up. Good times.


Holly Brim said...

Look at those Asian eyes!!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Awww he is SOOOO cute and tiny!!!! Congratulations to both of you! Um... what's his name? If you've posted it before, I forgot! Too many pregnant friends right now! LOL Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

WE are freaking out!!!
I can not wait! We are coming today! H

rk said...

He's beautiful like his Mama!

Carmen said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! He was worth the wait. Love you guys, Carmen Whittaker

Angie Funches said...

How cute!! Glad it all went fast and easy with only two pushes! Does he have a name yet?

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations! I hope to be able to come by the hospital tomorrow!

Aaron said...

Congratulations, guys!

I've been waiting with anticipation.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am 6 months behind ya.

Burg and I are laughing at the poop!

Anonymous said...

OMIGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB LYSSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE IS ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!


Sarah said...

Alyssa you look so excited and not a bit tired! Judah is adorable! It seems as though our prayers were answered for a fast and easy delivery and a healthy baby. See I told you everything was going to be fine! Now just sit back and enjoy your family! Congrats friend!

Anonymous said...

So... James you have no excuse not to know how to spell your ladies name correct. :) You were not up all night... H

Julie McCoy said...

Yay!! Congratulations, he is absolutely beautiful. And how awesome to have such a quick labor! We are so happy for you guys.

Lindy PRD said...

What a cute baby boy! Congratulations! Glad you guys are doing good. Have fun! Judah Jeffrey is a good name.