Friday, December 11, 2009

I know it has been a while....

my little blog, but I will try to update you, my faithful followers.

First we said goodbye to Georgia....
and we moved in with my parents for 2 weeks. Jude had lots of fun at the park,
he was not to sure about the grass, but he loved to eat the bark. :/
Babies first Thanksgiving was a huge success.....
Stay tuned for more pictures.


Cindi said...

I have followed you since you lived with the Whittakers and I'm so glad you are back blogging. I have missed the pictures of Jude. I'm glad you are all doing well.

Nana said...

So so happy to have you home in California!!!

Bekyb said...

Love your blog! You are part of my regular bunch that I check frequently. (So I miss it when there's a posting gap) I love seeing your little one grow. He is so cute and you both are so blessed!