Monday, August 4, 2008

Twoooooo Weeekkkss!!1

(james here)

Okay so we are bad bloggers. Two weeks without a blog entry. You can blame that on the move. Which went pretty well considering we had me, lys (who's pregnant) and Jeff. Without him at the beginning and carlos and jerry at the end. We would still be unloading our truck today. So thank you from deep within my muscles.

Then our family from Cali came in Saturday so we spent the day in the city (after they all got up, gotta love the time difference). Of course what do out of towners do in the ATL. They go to the world of coke. So since we know we'll be going there like 5 more times in the next year, we ponied up for the passes. Why not? If we get thirsy we can always stop in for soda from Poland or Tanzania. Never know what the mood brings.

Coke or Pepsi? Or for those of you that think outside conventionalism...RC cola, shasta, supermarket brand, kofola, or Jones? On a hot day, with lots of ice and craving something sweet to drink...what do you like to sip?


Anonymous said...

Pepsi man myself. Never really liked RC Cola much. Coke works too.

Anonymous said...

Coke! But you know that already. :) H

Anonymous said...

Diet Pepsi!!

Anonymous said...

We drink diet Big K at our house!

Ally said...

Diet Coke with Lime. And I never drink Pepsi.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Coke! Preferrably Cherry. I'd rather go thirsty than drink pepsi. Yuck.