Sunday, March 15, 2009

Art is life

Our son has a umbilical chord hernia. Apparently it's pretty common. At least that's what our ped's keep telling us. It makes a squishing sound like...blowing bubbles in your water when you push it in. It doesn't bother him. He doesn't even react when we touch it...but man it looks weird. If I woke up tomorrow with that...I don't think I'd react quite as calm as he does. I guess it's better than the circumcision he THAT looked painful. So while making potatoes we found this one. It just reminded us of our little tater.


rk said...

You guys are too cute!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

That potato is funny! LOL Kameron (my 7 year old) has an umbilical hernia too. It looks a lot better now, I actually think he has an awesome belly button (I'm weird, I know! LOL) but it does look different than the other kids.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG it looks just like it! to funny. H

Anonymous said...

he is too cute!

Lindy PRD said...

Funny. You guys happen to find the only potato in the world that looks like his belly button :) Awesome!