And I realized that I never put a name down...we named our first child Judah Jeffrey Culin. We wanted a biblical name without sounding...amish and I was just thinking of old testament names when Judah popped in my head. So I went home and looked it up. It means the praised one in hebrew and it also is the line of Jesus. We just liked that it's associated with someone that we both follow and want desperately for our son to know Him the way we do.
Jefferey was my father's name and is also alyssa's father's name (so that was pretty easy)...and our brother in law is also Jeffrey. Pretty cool.
sorry its sideways. i got lazy
beautiful and yet your post made me giggle out loud
Congratulations! So if I'm correct, he was born today (december 19th) which is my brother's birthday and my brother's first name is Jeffrey! So excited for you!
congratulations & just in time for boy, he didn't want to miss his first visit from santa. :)
soooooooooooo cute!!!
who knew that poop could be cute?? LOL
jk =]
I am so happy for you!! I have been checking everyday to see your little man. He is so cute!! Congratulations and take cre
I forgot about the tar poo! Ahh, the memories!! He's perfect and beautiful. You two look so happy!! Enjoy your little bundle! Welcome to the family J.J.!
Love, Aunt Lori
Your already are a great Dad! Again, congratulations!!!
Oh my goodness...little Judah is just adorable. Congratulations!!! What a great Christmas present! And you think the black tar poop is bad? Just wait until it starts to stink and the real blow outs start happening. :) Oh, the joys!! Congratulations again you two! He's beautiful!
Congrats. We are truly excited with you!
hey guys. congrats on the boy! i personally like the choice of judah! (my son is izaiah judah). great godly name. glad it all went well.
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