So James and I left the house at 1pm and by 6pm there was a huge cover of pollen everywhere!! James does have pretty bad allergies, but surprisingly they have not been very bad even with all the pollen. This id the front porch covered in tracks.
I have an interview with a nurse recruiter tomorrow, so we will see. James and I also went around looking at houses... the farther out of the city the less expensive it gets and for that we are excited. We will see what happens if and when we get jobs. I hope you are all planning on coming out and visiting when we get our own place. I will be asking for the dates! Can't wait to see our family and friends.
Below the street is covered in pollen as well, but don't worry, I have not sneezed once, yet.
Maybe the pollen in Georgia is less allergenic than the pollen in California! :) Still a gorgeous neighborhood! I love you. We'll talk tonight. Love, Mom/Jani
Whoa, that is crazy!!
Hi friend! Good luck on your job interview tomorrow!
aaiiiii... that looks no good! i think i would have some serious issues if i were breathing that junk in -- i have problems enough in northern virginia!
one possible reason that you're not reacting to the pollen is that your season may not have come yet. i have allergies to pollen from a bunch of spring bloomers (I can't recall which plants/trees)... but have little to no reaction to the ones that do their business in the fall. i always find it funny (and relieving) when I see others suffer in the fall like I did in the spring!
so, it's possible that you guys won't react until another season... or you may have escaped the plants that you are allergic to altogether!
it might be a good idea to go get allergy tested to identify the specific stuff you might be allergic to in your new surroundings.
I had been told when we moved here that allergy season was HORRIBLE... and I thought, oh GREAT, because I suffered in CA! BUT Spring 2004 came and went and I was FINE! WOOHOOO... Spring 2005... no allergies! Then Spring 2006 hit... and the honeymoon was over. Now I sit here with my eyes dripping remembering those first two years of bliss. SO enjoy it this year, and hopefully next! Somehow you lose your immunity after two years!
will be praying for you tomorrow!
Hey there.. I'm a complete stranger to you, but I found your blog via Heather W. via Carlos W. via my fiance who works in production and therefore loves reading Carlos' blogs. (There's the connection for you) :) All that to say, I'm very sorry about the pollen problem.. the pollen looks like snow in the street. Hope you guys get some rain to wash it away!
My allergist said years ago that the yellow pollen that's all over is really the pine tree pollen - that nobody is really allergic to. It's the invisible deciduous tree pollen that we're all allergic to. So even though the yellow stuff is alarming and gross, it's not the problem-causer. Helpful to know.
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