Sunday, April 27, 2008

Faith and Plinko

James had an especially fun time at church today. One of the advantages of living with the head of production is we get the inside scoop. Carlos even selected James to be a game show player this morning. Here are a few clips from my seat of his fun times.

Yes, the Host called us "freeloaders." (smile, thanks to the whittakers)
He ended up winning 221 pennies and got a starbucks gift card.

I think that the best part of church was actually the sermon. Even though Vicky Beeching was amazing and Plinko really raised my spirits, we were taught on faith. This subject, as you can tell by my blog title, is an area of my life God is growing. Before we moved God gave me many verses to encourage my journey of Faith (aka coming to Atlanta). Abraham and the great faith chapter Hebrews 11 were one of the things I was really drawn to.

vs 8 "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

Where is God calling you? How are you doing at listening? Do you even know what God has promised you? (these are just a few things that have been on my heart. Don't worry I will share more when the time comes)

FAITH is more than having HOPE and wishing God might bless you. It is BELIEVING He will do all he has promised and DOING what He instructed.


Rick said...

Very cool - thanks for sharing what's going on in your own journey. Game show metaphors rock :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Alyssa AND James,

This is totally off the topic of this post, but I just opened the birthday card you sent! Thanks a lot guys! I really appreciate it and wish you were here to enjoy it with us too! We're continuing to pray for you two and look forward to your updates. -Jeff (I think I've noticed another Jeff on here, so this is Koning =) just in case)

Anonymous said...

Hi Alyssa, This is dad. I'm glad that you have found a job, and I know that you'll be great at it. I'm sure God has something great in store for James, too. Have fun in your new truck! I love you both, and may God bless you. Love, Dad